Job openings & internships

Students following the Master of Arts in Historical Linguistics and Literature at Ghent University are encouraged to do their mandatory internship at EVWRIT. Students following the Master of Arts in Linguistics and Literature can do a voluntary internship at EVWRIT.

International students are welcome to work on the EVWRIT project through the Erasmus+ program.

From a testimony of a previous EVWRIT-intern: “Based on my experience, I can wholeheartedly recommend a stage in the EVWRIT project if you are already a UGent student as well as if you are an international student. You will find a vibrant research community, a lot of exciting papyri to work with and – why not – some unexpected opportunities for your future career!” Read the full text here.

If you are interested in collaborating with the project in some other way, please contact prof. dr. Klaas Bentein at Klaas.Bentein@UGent.Be.